Friday, October 08, 2004

Emotions In Motion

Is there anything more gruesome than a delighted Karen Hughes? She looks like Patrick Swayze in drag in that Wong Foo movie.
The presidential debate tonight toyed with my emotions. I went into it despairing that it mattered; convinced that Bush would win if he only seemed semi-normal. Then, as the discussion began, my hopes rose. I thought that Kerry had drummed up some new material and that Bush was boring, repetitive, and cranky. To me, it was a total choke on Bush's part. He seems like a man who doesn't want to be running, who resents the personal inconvenience to him. Kerry was more refined, concise and calm than ever. Then came the pundits, saying Bush wiped the floor with Kerry. Ok, it was only Sean Hannity who said that, but CNN's polls have it at 2 points. You know what? If the American people think it was a toss up tonight, then they deserve whatever they get. At least Wonkette made it fun.

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